Posts in Engagement
Flint RiverQuarium Environmental Education Center

The Flint RiverQuarium opened in 2004, with high expectations for the positive impact it would have on the redevelopment of the downtown Albany, Georgia business and entertainment district. Yet for over a decade, the FRQ has struggled to achieve financial self-sufficiency. Over time, it has become obvious that sustainable private philanthropy must be secured in order for the organization to survive.

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A Campaign Communication Plan for Phoebe Foundation

The Phoebe Foundation is in a somewhat unusual campaign, at least for hospital fundraisers: the community is being asked to fund student housing. The Southwest Georgia Medical Student Housing Complex will provide flexible accommodations within walking distance of the hospital campus for students in a number of different healthcare residency programs. 

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Customer Service Does Not Equal Stewardship

For years I’ve heard references to the retail world with the insinuation that best practices in customer service were applicable to donor stewardship. Surely a few are, like acting with integrity, timeliness and respect. But a key truism – that the customer paid for a product or service while the donor GAVE without any specific promise in return remains an issue that needs to be addressed. I remain convinced that ours is a more complex relationship than that, and one unique to philanthropy.

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