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Donor Recognition Product Design

Authentic storytelling improves any product investment.

Products used to talk to and about donors should not be generic. Each one should represent the organization and provide meaningful insight into philanthropic relationships. Heurista guides clients through a proven process of discovery to clarify project goals and establish the budget and internal and external resources available to create and maintain any product that is purchased. 

Heurista is known for serving as an advocate for the needs of the fundraiser while leading a creative dialog with all stakeholders. Our expert recommendations are delivered in language that other participants, such as the marketing team or facilities management, will understand. We’re able to connect style and format to design a display that aligns form with function.

Our designers specialize in creating for architectural environments, and projects often include large format print and digital components. We’re familiar with traditional materials and methods as well as the most innovative design technologies. Most importantly, we’re able to provide counsel based on real-world experience based on latest trends, helping our clients understand how the products will function over time.

  • Clients consistently choose Heurista over other design firms because of our expertise in donor relations and stewardship. Our design process begins with your donor relations and stewardship goals, not material or product ideas.

  • Heurista partners with our clients to explore options and make choices that align with the character of the organization. We’re never selling a specific product and we’ll always entertain new ideas.

  • We’ve been designing donor recognition product for more than 20 years. We know what works, what will stand the test of time and what will keep your audiences engaged.