Interactive Campaign Recognition on School Playground

Heurista recently completed a fun, interactive campaign recognition display at Hammond School, a private K-12 school in Columbia, SC. We were engaged to create a donor recognition strategy for the 50 Forward: the Campaign for HAMMOND, a campaign list that would be represented in three locations on campus- the new Innovation Center, the lower school gymnasium, and the lower school playground. The playground recognition display was the first of these projects to be completed, with the Innovation Center entering the design stage at Heurista.


The design intentions for this project were to create engaging graphics with recognizable hierarchy of recognition components while providing an opportunity for children to interact with the display in fun yet meaningful way. Movable, colorful marbles invite children to connect with the display and enjoy a tactile experience. The graphic also mapped out various components of the playground, eliminating the need for additional signage around the playground and avoiding visual and spacial clutter and hazards.


The location planning of the display was an important factor as it needed to be low enough on the wall to encourage engagement from children. Large, solid colored opaque marbles were used to match the colors and themes within the playground. Factors such as cost-effective digital printing and easy-to-purchase components were beneficial for the client and allow for efficient and simple additions of more names over time.

This display was designed by Heurista and built and installed by Hammerhead. Heurista had a wonderful experience working with Hammerhead, a company of excellent communicators and skilled fabricators. We look forward to working more projects with them!