Be True The Brand

“Brand” is far more than a logo and a set of approved colors and fonts. It is a statement of character, the voice by which an organization expresses its authentic self. It is carried out by the way stories are told, the way buildings look and the type of experiences had by those who interact with the organization. It is true to the mission, but is not synonymous with it. With that in mind, donor recognition must be fully true to the brand. It cannot follow a template from another organization that has been labeled “best practice.” It must not be indistinguishable from the plaque in the building across town. It must have personality. It must be specific and tell the story of this donor, this gift and the impact that it has had on this organization. 

The most successful donor recognition makes full use of the organization’s assets. If you have great photos, use them. If you have great stories, tell them. If your leader can draw or cook or likes to ride a bike, make that a part of the unique character of your conversation with the community.